Cognitive Comedy is a free improv comedy workshop for people with cognitive impairment and their loved ones. Participants can get out of their own heads and experience “group mind” while learning the tenets of improv comedy. This free program is open to all members of the PMC community.
2025 schedule: Tuesdays, January 21 through March 25 at 1:30 p.m. The class will typically last approximately 1.5 hours. You can join us at any time but make sure to RSVP!
This class/program is free to patients/families seen at the Penn Memory Center and made possible from the philanthropic Caring Difference fund. Please consider making a donation so that we are able to continue offering support programs such as this.
If you are not affiliated with the Penn Memory Center, you are welcome to join this class/program if you make a donation of any amount to the Caring Difference fund.
Questions? Contact: Meg Kalafsky at 267-624-4282 or pennmemorycenter@pennmedicine.upenn.edu