Editor’s Note: Here at the Penn Memory Center, the communications team has been trying out a weekly letter we call “Sunday Reads” to keep you updated on what’s been happening and what we’re currently reading in our office. To see this in your inbox first, fill out your name and email address at the top of your screen or email joyce.lee2@uphs.upenn.edu.
September at the Penn Memory Center is marked by leaves yellowing outside our research offices in Ralston, by a new crop of student interns joining our buzzing teams, and by the opening of the Philly opera season.
At first glance, we (a medical center) have very little to do with the opera. But just a few months ago, Opera Philadelphia came to us with an exciting idea: to create an opera centered around Alzheimer’s disease.
The truth is: if you sit in on one of our diagnostic meetings, you’ll quickly find there’s no one typical story of this disease. But what we hear about Alzheimer’s disease in our general media too often follows the same plot.
Sky on Swings seeks to change that.
PMC Co-Director Dr. Jason Karlawish worked with Opera Philadelphia on a chamber opera told through the eyes of a person living with Alzheimer’s disease. He’s hopeful that it will show a story beyond “just a wasted mind engaging in meaningless and intentionless activities, that there’s a person there who’s suffering but also trying to make sense of and enjoy life.