Diverse Vascular Contributions to Cognitive Impairment and Dementia (DVCID) is a research study using advanced brain imaging and blood-based techniques to better understand how vascular health impacts memory and thinking, specifically focused on racially diverse communities.
You may be able to join if:
- You are between the ages of 65 and 90 years old and identify as Black, African American, Hispanic or Latino/x
- You or a loved one have noticed a decline in your memory or thinking over the past 1-3 years
- You are able to complete an MRI and fasted blood draw
What to expect?
- Two study visits per year including questionnaires, memory testing, neurological exam, brain MRI scan, and a blood draw
- Two additional years repeating the same procedures
Potential benefits:
- The study will be free to you and you will be reimbursed for participating
- Your doctor can use the results from your MRI scan and bloodwork to help diagnose and treat your medical conditions
- The data collected from your participation could lead to advancements in the field and could help your community in the future
Click here for a printable flier about this study
For more information contact research coordinator Heidi Joyce at 215-520-5013 or at heidi.joyce@pennmedicine.upenn.edu