By Meghan McCarthy
Latino older adult communities are some of the most sedentary in the country, but one University of Pennsylvania researcher has shown that group fitness and wellness education classes can help improve universal health outcomes.
These universal improvements could lead to improved cognitive health.
“To me, it speaks to memory,” said Adriana Perez, PhD, ANP-BC, FAAN, of Penn’s School of Nursing. “The brain is capable of learning new things no matter what age.”
The CDC reports that 32.1% of older Latinos live an inactive lifestyle outside of work—the highest amongst all race/ethnicity groups.
This is largely due to social and structural determinants of health such as access to healthy food, healthcare, safe housing and neighborhoods, and reliable income. These everyday necessities are essential for healthy brain aging.
Latinos are more likely than their peers to face difficulty walking outdoors due to extreme temperatures or safety concerns. It is more likely for Latino communities to struggle to afford physical activity programs or gym memberships than white populations. Language barriers can make group fitness classes difficult.
To confront this challenge, Dr. Perez studies effective, culturally relevant strategies to engage the Latino community in Tiempo Juntos Por Nuestra Salud, which is a clinical trial that translates to “Time Together for Our Health.”