The purpose of the MTL study is to better understand age-related changes in brain structure and function and to compare this with the earliest changes of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
The MTL is part of the brain thought to be related to memory processes and is vulnerable to aging and AD.
This study will take place over three years, and a screening visit will determine eligibility.
Principal Investigator:
David Wolk, MD
Am I eligible?
Eligible participants must be:
- Between the ages of 21 and 59
- Fluent in English
- Cognitively normal
- Able to undergo 2 MRI sessions over 2 years
Study procedures
- MRI scans (3T and 7T* scans, which may or may not be on the same day) at baseline and at 2-year follow-up
- Computerized cognitive testing at baseline, 1-year follow-up, and 2-year follow-up
*T stands for “Tesla,” a measure of magnetic strength.
You will be compensated for your time, $25 for each cognitive testing session and $50 for each MRI visit.
For details, contact MTL Study Coordinator Michael DiCalogero at 484-994-2565 or michael.dicalogero@pennmedicine.upenn.edu.